In this first start second semester of mathematics education program, we learn calculus, algebra, trigonometry, etc and continuously.
The higher semester of mathematics education program the amounts get lesson subject of pure mathematics.
And the questions is what the different between mathematics educaton program and mathematics program?
Mathematics education program have background mathematics education from semester 1 until semester 6.
Mathematics education for young student in pre elementary or in the kindergarten, elementary school,junior high school, senior high school and high school of university.
We should feel happy to learn mathematics, because if we happy we can learn with high motivation to reach our idea. And we must make the student understand where is their position between the older people and the younger people.
There is different between older and younger people in learn mathematics.
The older people have many experiences than the younger people about learn mathematics. So, the younger people is novice and the older people is experiences.
Psychologically, the different between older people and younger people that is :
The younger people think mathematics which concrete material from daily and the older people think mathematics which abstract noun (think things).
To abstract is take certain of charateristic which want we learning.
Older people think about the abstract materials or think things wich consider all of the exist characteristic is perfect.
For example: a line is perfectly straight, which have no width.
Ability of thinking younger people and older people is different. The older people have higher ability of thinking than the younger people.
For example: from the number below the older people and the younger people have different thinking.
2 7
For the younger people, 2 is bigger than 7
for the older people, 2 is always smaller than 7 because the older people don’t think about the shape but about the value.
Ebbut Straker (1995) defines the following school mathematics:
Mathematics is the search activity patterns and relationships
· Gave students the opportunity to conduct discovery and investigation to determine patterns of relationships.
· Provide an opportunity for students to perform experiments premises in various ways.
· Encourage students to discover the sequence, difference, comparison, grouping, etc.
· Encourage students to draw general conclusions.
· Help students understand and find a relationship between understanding one another.
Mathematics is investigation of activity
· Encourage the initiative and provide an opportunity to think differently.
· Encourage curiosity, the desire to ask, the ability to refute and ability estimates.
· Appreciate the unexpected discovery as beneficial rather than take it as a mistake.
· Encourage students to discover the structure and design of mathematics.
· Encourage students to appreciate the discovery of other students.
· Encourage students to think reflexive.
· Does not recommend the use of a particular method.
Mathematics is problem solving activities
· Provide an environment that stimulates learning mathematics problem.
· Help students to solve mathematics problem using his own way.
· Help students find the information needed to solve mathematics problems.
· Encourage students to think logically, consistently, systematically and develop a system of documentation / records.
· Develop the ability and skills to solve problems.
· Helps students learn how and when to use various visual aids / media mathematics education such as: term, calculator, etc.
Mathematics is a means of communication
· Encourage students to recognize the nature mathematics.
· Encourage students to make examples of the nature of mathematics.
· Encourage students to explain the nature of mathematics.
· Encourage students to justify the need for mathematics activities.
· Encourage students to discuss mathematics problems.
· Encourage students to read and write mathematics.
· Respect the student’s mother tongue in talking about mathematics.
The character of student learn are:
· Student learn mathematics effectively if student have good motivation and good preparation.
· Student learn mathematics individually.
· Student learn mathematics incolaboration with others.
· Student learn mathematics in context.
Source :Lecture from Dr. Marsigit, M.A